Crop conditions is SW Iowa and Eastern NE range from good to excellent. Although there were some areas with planting delays due to excessive moisture this spring the crops have rebounded nicely and are maturing rapidly. Nearly all of the corn in the area is now tasseled, silked, and pollinated. Soybeans are blooming and starting to set pods. Weed control is excellent in corn and good to excellent in soybeans. We have not found any significant insect or disease pressure to date but are keeping an eye on Northern Corn Leaf Blight and Grey Leaf Spot in corn and soybeans aphids in soybeans. Soil moisture levels are good and so far timely rains have provided adequate moisture for the rapidly developing crops in the area. Some irrigation has started on Missouri River bottom farms but this is primarily being done to keep sandy areas from burning up during excessive heat. At this point in the growing season I expect above average yields for yellow corn (175+ bu/ac) and average yields for soybeans (45+/- bu/ac).